

The Soul Sessions Podcast

Episode 3 – The Yogis Guide To Anxiety

Anxiety can affect our relationships, our jobs, our ability to chase our dreams, and our entire life if we don’t do things to manage it. In this episode, Kori shares her own story of anxiety and how it affects her life, at the same time coming victorious despite it all....

yoga for intuition

Using Yoga To Develop Your Intuition

  Cultivating Intuition with Yoga :  The theory Meditation is the first and foremost effective method for honing on your intuition.  By creating spaces between your thoughts, two things are sure to happen.  First, we learn to relax.  Relaxation is a natural byproduct of meditation and a calm, focused mind.  Second, from the space...

yoga retreat on manifestation intuition and happiness surf and soul kori hahn santosha society

6 steps for manifesting your dreams

Dreams are messages from your soul. Learning to understand and act on your intuition is how you can take your dreams and make them your reality. The yogis gave us a beautiful method for doing just this. I call it, intuitive yoga. ...

hormone balancing yoga

A Guide to Balancing Your Hormones

{published on Yoganonymous}   Without women and their infamous hormones, we would live on a planet empty of humans.  Our hormones are a critical part of human existence, yet we really don’t hear much about them.  I am nearly 35 years old,  somewhere between my first period and my last. ...

The Tao of Surfing: Yin Yoga

The tides move from high to low as the moon rotates from new to full. In just one day the ocean’s energy can change from pumping waves with spitting barrels to flat calm seas perfect for snorkeling. Things are always changing. It is the ebb and flow...