
Episode 18 – The Broken Longboard Saga + The Transference of Pain

The Soul Sessions - Episode 1

Even been super pissed off when someone scammed you?  or treats you really poorly?  I know.  me too.  In this episode I dive into one example and how I came out of my anger with a new perspective of compassion, by understanding the ways we transfer pain.

In this episode, Kori talks about a recent drama with an old friend who broke her longboard and didn’t tell her or offer to replace it.

Although she rambles on a little about the whole story, there is a moment she can step away from all the infuriating details of the disagreement and realize this is a way for him to transfer her old friend’s resentments towards her into my own pain.

This is why it is so necessary to heal our pain and resentments because otherwise we unconsciously transfer our own pain and resentments onto others.  This is the unconscious ripple effect of pain, and the best thing we can do is feel it, heal it, and start a new vibe – love + compassion.

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Show Notes:

Kori begins this episode by asking her listeners to message her, and let her know what they think and why they are listening?

In this episode, Kori talks about coming back to Alaska to realize her ex had borrowed, broken, and refused to replace her first longboard – which felt sacred to her.  She rambles on a bit about her anger, frustration and inability to “move on.”  But then she realizes how this is just a way all of us humans unconsciously transfer our pain to others.

When we have resentments and past issues with people, and we never stop and share our truth or heal those pains, an unconscious tendency is to spread that pain back to others that appear similar to the one who hurt us.

In this case, it was my ex, so it’s easy to see why he would want to make me cringe and angry.  But its something we can all do – until we stop and feel our pain to heal it.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

3:01 – the story of my broken longboard

11:00 – Divisive communication and the ways we unconsciously ripple pain

11:45 – Heal the pain by feeling it.  It’s a slow-moving thing, so be with it. 

12:48 – Why do I focus on who isn’t showing up for me when so many people truly are, here I was at another amazing house!

14:00 – Dealing with anger. Knowing anger is a GPS saying you are going 

15:01  – This is all about knowing our truth.  It’s about seeing your pain cycle and making a choice to step out of that.  it takes loving awareness and tears to unattach to the ways your ego uses pain. our humanness. 

16:19 – Speak your truth so you wont be resentful, but then leave space thereafter. Surrender anything you expect of others once you have shared your truth. 

17:13 – Choosing the love + the support. And also let my pain be felt and processed rather than trying to numb it or escape it. 

18:12 – If you are feeling lost, stuck, strong grief, sit with it. Process it.  and then after that you space, you will ripple out love.

19:19 –  Please order my book, Rituals of the Soul!

People / Resources Mentioned:


  • Joseph Cambell

  • Julia Campbell “The Artists Way”


Connect With Kori Hahn: