

hormone balancing yoga

A Guide to Balancing Your Hormones

{published on Yoganonymous}   Without women and their infamous hormones, we would live on a planet empty of humans.  Our hormones are a critical part of human existence, yet we really don’t hear much about them.  I am nearly 35 years old,  somewhere between my first period and my last. ...

A yin yoga teacher training worth raving about

Long brown mermaid hair, chunky gold arm bangles, and massive hoop earrings enhance her natural goddess-like appearance. “Her presence fills the room with encouragement and inspiration” is how she was described to me long before I knew her.  She teaches yoga with a focus on consciously unraveling the body-mind connection...

The Tao of Surfing: Yin Yoga

The tides move from high to low as the moon rotates from new to full. In just one day the ocean’s energy can change from pumping waves with spitting barrels to flat calm seas perfect for snorkeling. Things are always changing. It is the ebb and flow...

योग ~ The Path of Yoga

 योग The Path of Yoga In Vedic Sanskrit, the literal meaning of the word "yoga"  is "to add", "to join", "to unite", or "to attach" from the root yuj.  The goal of yoga is "moksha" liberation.  So, we do yoga in an effort to unite us to the goal, liberation.  It is a path....

The Vipassana Mind – विपश्यना

On June 11, 1963, A Vietnamese monk Thích Quảng Đức sat peacefully on a street corner in Saigon, Vietnam. He sat unmoved in lotus position while his entire body was engulfed in suicidal flames. Thich was completely in control over his mind.  He slowly burned to death without opening his...